R + D
Energy To Smart Grid
The target of the overall E2SG project is to devise and design mechanisms and policies to assemble, monitor and control smart grids, i.e. a set of interconnected nodes whose primary goal is to generate, exchange and consume electrical energy in the most efficient and reliable way by exploiting distributed information that is sensed, transmitted and processed over the same set of nodes and links.
IQUADRAT will propose a general framework to control the system available resources in order to save the employed energy and to study the interactions between the different parameters, where IQUADRAT will contribute to the development of optimization techniques. A general framework for the deployment of distributed-applications for monitoring and control will be developed, in addition to a graphical GUI and environment. The framework includes a proper set of model-based library algorithmic elements, rich enough to constitute a collection of basic algorithmic elements which, once properly connected, will compose the desired application. IQUADRAT is task leader for the deployment of distributed applications.
Partners: STMicroelectronics Italy, Centro Ricerche FIAT, HERA, EFFEGI, METATRON, POLIMODEL, Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per la Nanoelettronica, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Bologna, Università della Calabria, Università di Catania, Austriamicrosystems, On Semiconductor, Infineon AG, Insta Elecktro GmbH, NXP Germany, Telefunken semiconductors, Fraunhofer IISB, RWTH Aachen University, ADD Semiconductor, IQUADRAT, LEITAT, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Tyndall National Institute, HELIOX, NXP Semiconductors, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Slovak University of Technology, R-DAS, Enecsys, IQE, Silvaco, University of Sheffield.
ENIAC and Spanish MICINN Ministry
january, 2012
january, 2015
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