R + D
Converged Optical-Mobile Access Networks with Dynamic and Efficient Resource allocation
COMANDER aims at bringing together experts from the industry and academia with the long-term goal of delivering a state of the art, cutting-edge and cost-efficient approach to the problem of Next-Generation access Networks (NGN) design. The design of NGN has since long dictated the necessity to merge the currently distinct optical and wireless infrastructures into an amalgamated network capable of offering the best part of both worlds: the stability and ultra-high speeds of optical fiber networks with the agility and flexibility of wireless networks. To achieve this goal COMANDER employs a novel design that builds upon the Radio-over-Fiber paradigm, and proposes all the necessary solutions to overcome the existing limitations. Objectives:
IQ brings into the consortium its power system level simulator (SLS) platform and which will be extended to fiber over wireless solutions. The academic partners will test in the SLS the proposed solutions as an intermediate step before the HW implementation. IQ is the WP Leader for WP2 “Definition of Architecture and Scenarios” and WP5 “Network and Resource Management Implementation”.
Partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Technical University Berlin (TUB), PhoeniX Software B.V.(PHX) and Iquadrat (IQ).
FP7 European Commission
october, 2013
september, 2017