R + D


Long-term towards Evolved 5G and 6G research needs mobilization of massive volumes of ideas, from which the best can emerge and
be taken into standardization. It is the convergence of the cyber and physical worlds that could be achieved with the very low latency
and high data capacity of Beyond 5G and 6G networks and thus the creation of services such as digital twins and internet of senses/
haptic applications. This future eco-system is on course to be more collaborative and inclusive than previous generations of network,
and FIDAL aims to lead the way by promoting open architectures, large experimentation sites and taking a multi-stakeholder approach.
FIDAL steps in, targeting the augmentation of human capabilities, allowing Media & PPDR vertical industry players to perform advanced
technological and business validation in large-scale field trials of highly innovative and advanced applications, that exploit Evolved 5G
technologies. This, in turn, will provide extensive and valuable feedback to the broader industry, academia, innovators and community
before wide commercial deployments of Evolved 5G networks throughout Europe. FIDAL key objective is to extend and deliver (i)
advanced future proof Evolved 5G test infrastructures, anticipating evolution into next SNS phase, (ii) open & accessible to support
3rd party vertical experiments, (iii) test environments for rapid prototyping and large-scale validation of advanced, forward-looking
applications. The project will build on the success of 5G-PPP Phase 3 projects, producing a unified experimentation framework with
Zero-Touch orchestration, reusable NetApps and secure AI as a Service capabilities. FIDAL will deploy 3 testbeds and 3 large-scale
test infrastructures in Greece, Norway and Spain aiming to validate Evolved 5G technologies in a user context to maximise downstream
take up, thus cultivating the ground for 6G.






january, 2023


december, 2025